The Debut Club: An interview with Shannon Grogan, author of FROM WHERE I WATCH YOU

Sweet Sixteener Julie Eshbaugh recently spoke to Fearless Fifteener Shannon Grogan about her debut YA thriller, FROM WHERE I WATCH YOU (August 4, 2015 from Soho Teen).

About the Author: 

Shannon GroganShannon Grogan is a second grade teacher who writes at night (and while her kids are at ballet and baseball) in a small logging town east of Seattle. She holds degrees in education, and graphic design/Illustration. When she isn’t writing, she’s baking, reading, watching scary movies, and wishing she were at the beach. You can find out more about her online at

Visit Shannon at Goodreads.





From Where I Watch You by Shannon Grogan

Reeling from the aftermath of her sister’s drowning and the collapse of her family, 16-year-old Kara focuses on what she knows best: baking cookies. Winning a prestigious baking contest could take her away from a miserable home life. But someone is watching and leaving threatening notes: Kara has a stalker. If she doesn’t figure out who it is, she could lose everything. Her chance of escape. The boy she’s beginning to love and trust. Even her life.

FROM WHERE I WATCH YOU is available for purchase at: Amazon, Powell’s, Books A Million, Barnes & Noble, and IndieBound.  Continue reading