Printable Release Calendar for October!

Here’s our handy printable release calendar to help you keep track of all the sweet October debuts coming at you soon!

Click here for the October 2016 calendar in .pdf format.



Thanks to our printable calendar team: Sarah Alexander,  Jenn Nguyen, Dee Romito, Shari Schwarz, Kathy MacMillan, Randi Pink and Ava Jae!











Meet the Author: Elaine Vickers

Elaine VickersElaine Vickers is a college chemistry teacher who lives in Utah with her husband and three kids. She likes writing middle grade and chapter books but LOVES revising them. The best moment of her writing career so far was when her eight-year-old daughter read her debut and loved it so much she built an elaborate model of her favorite scene with Legos. Elaine is represented by Ammi-Joan Paquette of the Erin Murphy Literary Agency.

Elaine’s debut, LIKE MAGIC (HarperCollins, October 18, 2016), is a contemporary middle grade novel. It is the story of three girls whose stories weave together as they take turns checking out a hollowed-out book box from the library over the course of the biggest summer of their lives.

Fun facts:

  • Favorite book growing up: All the Ramona books by Beverly Cleary
  • Childhood aspiration: Pediatrician, architect, teacher. It was a pretty constant rotation between those three.
  • Favorite time of day/place to write: In the afternoon. But really, whenever it’s quiet.
  • Book currently reading/most recently read: PRINCESS JUNIPER OF THE HOURGLASS by Ammi-Joan Paquette
  • Favorite things to do (other than reading): Hang out with her kids, run, be outside, eat
  • Favorite sports teams: San Francisco Giants (her dad’s been a fan since forever, so she grew up with the Giants) and University of Utah (where she and her husband went to grad school)
  • Surprising personal fact: She did a large portion of the landscaping in her yard herself…but has never mowed the lawn.
  • Greatest thing about being a 2016 debut author: Being in such good company! So many talented authors are debuting in 2016, and the Sweet Sixteens have been such a warm and welcoming community from day one.

Where to find her:

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