Printable Release Calendar for October!

Here’s our handy printable release calendar to help you keep track of all the sweet October debuts coming at you soon!

Click here for the October 2016 calendar in .pdf format.



Thanks to our printable calendar team: Sarah Alexander,  Jenn Nguyen, Dee Romito, Shari Schwarz, Kathy MacMillan, Randi Pink and Ava Jae!











Printable Release Calendar for September!

Here’s our handy printable release calendar to help you keep track of all the sweet September debuts coming at you soon!


Click here for the September 2016 calendar in .pdf format




Thanks to our printable calendar team: Sarah Alexander,  Jenn Nguyen, Dee Romito, Shari Schwarz, Kathy MacMillan, Randi Pink, Ava Jae, and Marieke Nijkamp!











Meet the Author: Krystal Sutherland

Krystal SutherlandKrystal Sutherland was born and raised in Townsville, Australia, a place that has never experienced winter. Since then she’s lived in Sydney, where she edited her university’s student magazine; Amsterdam, where she worked as a foreign correspondent; and Hong Kong, where she’s currently finishing her degree. She has no pets and no children, but is fond of naming inanimate objects: in the Netherlands she owned a Dutch bicycle called Kim Kardashian, and a small, inflatable velociraptor called Herbert.

Krystal’s debut, OUR CHEMICAL HEARTS (Penguin/Putnam, October 4, 2016), is a contemporary Young Adult novel, described as John Hughes meets John Green in an irresistible tale of first love, broken hearts, and the golden seams that put them back together. It tells the story of Henry Page, hopeless romantic, and Grace Town, the girl who walks into his first period class on the third Tuesday of senior year and changes everything. Grace is not who Henry pictured as his dream girl – she walks with a cane, wears oversized boys’ clothes, and rarely seems to shower. It’s obvious there’s something broken about her, but that seems to make her even more beautiful to Henry, and he wants nothing more than to help her put the pieces back together again. OUR CHEMICAL HEARTS is equal parts wit and heartbreak, a potent reminder of the bittersweet bliss that is first love.

Fun facts:

  • Childhood aspiration: For the majority of high school, Krystal wanted to be an actress, a dream that was singlehandedly dashed by Peter Jackson when he failed to get a flat tire in front of her house (he was supposed to come in to use the telephone and then immediately cast her in his next movie, for which she would win an Oscar). Tragically, this seemingly foolproof plan fell through.
  • Favorite time of day/place to write: Whenever inspiration strikes (AKA whenever she forces herself to stop procrastinating). Krystal isn’t precious when it comes to writing routines/location, which is lucky, because she currently has to write in a sad dorm common room while subsisting on cup noodles and Häagen-Dazs from the 7-Eleven downstairs. The fuel for all great literature.
  • Favorite things to do (other than reading): Plot her eventual ascendance to Taylor Swift’s squad.
  • Surprising personal fact: Krystal is actually four eels inside a human skin suit.
  • Greatest thing about being a 2016 debut author: There’s a prophecy that the world is going to end on 1st January 2017 so…

Where to find her:

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